Federal Way, WA - Steam Cleaning
Once upon a time, you had to rely upon Federal Way steam cleaners if you wanted your dirty carpets rescued. Luckily, Oxi Fresh is here to offer a better alternative.
Where traditional steam cleaning drenches your carpets in water, Oxi Fresh gets floors back into fantastic shape while greatly reducing water waste. Rather than rely on saturation, Oxi Fresh instead uses the power of oxygen to remove tough deposits of dirt, oils, and grime.
This is not only great for your carpets and the environment, but it also cuts dry times from 12-24 hours to around one hour. When Oxi Fresh cleans your floors, you don’t need to worry about struggling with soggy carpets. That’s just one more reason to pick Oxi Fresh instead of scheduling a Federal Way steam cleaning.
Make an appointment for an Oxi Fresh cleaning today using our handy Online Scheduler! You can also call us at 1-877-OXIFRESH if you have any questions or to book an appointment.
The Alternative to Steam Cleaning
If you’ve ever had your carpets steam cleaned, you’ll know how inconvenient the ordeal can be – long dry times, hoses going everywhere, and a truck-mounted machine that pumps out air pollution.
Oxi Fresh’s alternative to Federal Way steam cleaning is far more convenient and is extremely effective at erasing dirt. How do we do it? Let’s break down our process:
Step 1
First, we will inspect the carpets that you want us to clean. We’ll be looking for areas that need extra attention.
Step 2
If we find any areas that are heavily soiled, we’ll apply a pretreatment. The pretreatment has enzymes in it that target and break down stubborn deposits of dirt, oils, and grime.
Step 3
We’ll then spray our core cleaning solution onto the carpet. This solution is a combination of two different products. The first uses the power of oxygen to break apart grime and dirt. The second product is an encapsulator that locks debris in micro-crystals.
Step 4
Next, we’ll use our revolutionary cleaning machine, the OF1000. The OF1000 uses dual brushes that are able to reach deep into the carpet pile. We’ll use the OF1000 to thoroughly agitate the carpets and pull up trapped debris.
Step 5
To finish, we will vacuum and groom the carpets. Once we’re done, your carpets will look years younger.