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Erin Hogan

Director of Marketing & Design

“Emails, coupons, text messages, radio ads, PPC – there are a million ways you can market a carpet cleaning franchise. Oxi Fresh is here to make things simple. We have automated systems, top-notch vendors, and support tools designed to make advertising easy and effective.”

“How did you hear about us?” It’s an important question that businesses need to know. Understanding the journey your customers make from discovering your brand to using your services gives you a major edge over competitors.

Oxi Fresh’s goal is to make that process clean and easy. We automate and systematize both our marketing and its tracking so our carpet cleaning franchisees can understand what and what doesn’t work. Leading up those efforts is Erin Hogan, the Director of Marketing.

Maximizing Your Marketing

Erin, who earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing with a minor in Digital Media Studies, has been focused on helping franchisees since her first day with Oxi Fresh.

“Marketing is complex. There’s a lot that goes into as something as simple as a mailer – and much more for something like automated marketing reports that synch with our live CRM,” said Ms. Hogan, “Thankfully, our franchisees don’t need to worry about getting lost in all that complexity. We’ve streamlined it for you.”

She isn’t exaggerating. One of Oxi Fresh’s guiding principles is “Speed Through Systems.” By creating programs and tools that eliminate day-to-day work and unneeded complexity, a carpet cleaning franchise company can free up its franchisees.

Take email marketing for example. Without Oxi Fresh’s systems, sending a marketing email would mean navigating a labyrinth of vendors, logins, and software suites. Of course, we’re not even counting the difficulty of collecting your customers’ emails and getting them all properly uploaded while ensuring you follow the tricky laws regarding email advertisements.

With Oxi Fresh, our Scheduling Center collects customer emails and enters them into the CRM. These automatically synch with our email vendor. The Home Office then schedules special emails at regular intervals for our franchisees. If they want to update those emails, it’s a simple and straightforward process. What would take hours otherwise can take ten minutes with us.

And that’s just one example. Erin oversees numerous robust and capable marketing programs. In addition to that, she’s helped build and establish relationships with important industry vendors, locking in deals that help franchisees get the most bang for their buck.

Here to Help

Of course, it’s not just programs and plans. Erin is always ready to answer calls and help our carpet cleaning franchisees. Whether she’s brainstorming new ideas, advising franchisees on best practices, or helping them sort out the ideal marketing options, she’s always ready to help.

In her free time, Ms. Hogan loves spending time with her dogs Otis and Rufus, going hiking and camping, and going to concerts at Red Rocks. She also loves to paint, shifting between surrealist portraits to still-life to landscapes.

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What Customers Are Saying

Average 4.7 stars (Out of 5)

Based on 309,924 Carpet Cleaning Services Reviews
Fast drying, cleans spots, odor reducing PC. - Broomfield, CO - 02/09/2025
(4.5 Out of 5 stars)
JS. - Fort Myers, FL - 02/07/2025
(5.0 Out of 5 stars)
Love their professionalism, reliability, and attention to detail, top notch job every time!!! VW. - Louisville, KY - 02/07/2025
(5.0 Out of 5 stars)

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