Accessibility Notice
Accessibility Assistance:
Please note that improving our website's accessibility is a continuing effort. We are working hard to make our content and various features conform to the World Wide Web Consortium's Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 Level AA (WCAG 2.0 AA).
If you ever encounter any issue when accessing any element of our website, please reach out to us as 720-963-6197 or [email protected]. Our team will help provide you with the information you were looking for or assist you in completing your transaction via a communication method or methods that works best for you and is consistent with applicable law.
Goal of Accessibility:
Our goal is to help all of our customers and potential customers have an excellent experience. We want to do that by building an accessible and inclusive website that allows users to easily use assistive technologies, like screen readers, magnifiers, voice recognition software, captions for videos, or other assistive tools.
Improving Accessibility:
Some of the goals Oxi Fresh Carpet Cleaning® is working towards in our effort to improve accessibility are as follows:
- Working with experts to review our existing systems to ensure that they follow WCAG2.0/2.1AA guidelines
- Improving keyboard navigation within our website
- Providing different ways for customers and potential customers to interact with and communicate with our company, such as through our Scheduling Center. they can be reached at 1-877-694-3737
- Listening to feedback on ways to improve accessibility and doing our best to implement valuable suggestions
- Testing our website on accessibility issues
- Coaching our staff on accessibility issues and how they can help
- Working with an accessibility consultant to help make our site widely accessible
Ongoing Effort:
With changing technology and website development, Oxi Fresh understands that accessibility is an ongoing project. We will always work toward improving accessibility and ensuring our customers and potential customers can experience what Oxi Fresh offers.
If you have any questions, feedback, or suggestions regarding website accessibility, please reach out to us at 720-963-6197 or email us at [email protected].