Franklin, TN - Hardwood Floor Cleaning
Hardwood Floor Cleaning Near Franklin
Welcome to Oxi Fresh’s local hardwood floor cleaning services in Franklin! We’re committed to providing top-notch, efficient hardwood floor cleaning services to the residents of Franklin, using modern methods and a more convenient and efficient approach than much of our local competition.
At Oxi Fresh, we take pride in our state-of-the-art cleaning equipment and techniques, which ensure the best results possible for your floors. When you choose Oxi Fresh, you can rest assured you’re working with some of the best professionals in the industry.
So let us help you revitalize and maintain the beauty of your hardwood floors. To schedule an appointment, call us now at 615-499-5151 and book over the phone!
Unbeatable Hardwood Floor Cleaning Process
At Oxi Fresh, we employ a unique and highly effective hardwood floor cleaning system that sets us apart from the competition. Our cleaning process includes the following steps:
- We carefully examine the hardwood floors to identify any areas that need special attention.
- We vacuum the floor to remove abrasive particles and surface debris.
- Our OF2000 cleaning machine is used to apply a pretreatment solution that loosens embedded dirt and grime; the machine simultaneously agitates the floor and extracts broken-down dirt.
- We use the OF2000 cleaning machine again to apply our primary hardwood floor cleaning solution, further agitating the floor and extracting any remaining dirt.
- As an optional add-on, we can finish the cleaning with an application of our Oxi Floor Refinisher product to leave a protective, semi-gloss finish.