Washington D.C., DC - Hardwood Floor Cleaning
A significant portion of homeowners prefer hardwood floors but have concerns about how to keep them clean and fresh. With a Washington DC hardwood floor cleaning from Oxi Fresh Carpet Cleaning, we can restore the beauty of your hardwood floors without any harsh abrasives or caustic chemicals.
Using highly-developed techniques, advanced cleaning equipment, and powerful products, our trained technicians deliver remarkable results time and time again. Without harsh sanding or varnishing products, you’ll see a significant difference in as little as one Oxi Fresh cleaning service!
To book your appointment, call our helpful Scheduling Center operators at 202-795-3377. Contact us today to make an appointment and discover results you’ll love with Oxi Fresh.
Our Cleaning Methods
Using our efficient cleaning machines, we are able to gently remove tough dirt and oils from your hardwood floors without harsh abrasives, toxic chemicals, or dust.
Thinking about scheduling an appointment, but just don’t know what you can expect? Here’s what you can look forward to with a Washington DC hardwood floor cleaning:
Step 1 – In order to offer a realistic expectation of projected results, we conduct a thorough examination of the surfaces to be cleaned, paying special attention to heavily-soiled areas.
Step 2 – Floors are thoroughly vacuumed to ensure no loose debris gets caught up in the cleaning equipment, marring the surface.
Step 3 – After vacuuming, our technicians use a specialized wood floor cleaning machine called the OF2000 to clean your floors. We apply our solution before agitating and then extracting residue from your floors. The OF2000 prevents your floors from becoming oversaturated while deep cleaning at the same time for the best possible results.
Step 4 – Next, we apply our core cleaning solution, resulting in refreshed and brilliantly clean hardwood floor surfaces.
Step 5 (Optional) – In order to prolong the condition and quality of the floors, Oxi Floor Refinisher may be added. This coats the floor in a durable, albeit temporary, urethane coating with a semi-gloss finish.
Book your next Oxi Fresh Carpet Cleaning service for Washington DC hardwood floor cleaning by calling our Scheduling Center at 202-795-3377 today!