New Year’s Resolution – 10 Healthy Eating Tips for 2017!
If you’re like me, you want to be healthier in 2017. Maybe you’re looking to make big changes or just small improvements here and there. Either way, here are ten healthy eating tips for the New Year.
1. Controlling the Cupboard
One of the hardest things to do is to eat healthy when we know there are cookies in the cupboard. They’re just sitting there, mocking us with their lovely chocolate chips.
Don’t let them! Clear out the unhealthy snacks in your home and replace them with healthier options. Here’s a list of a hundred great ideas that are both tasty and better for you.
2. Apples a Day
Time for the obvious statement of the day: fruit is important. Packed with vitamins and nutrients, they’re key to a healthy diet.
This year, try to work in an extra two pieces of fruit per day. Whether you chose something simple like an apple or fancier like pomegranate, you’ll be glad you did.
3. Water, Water (Should Be) Everywhere
It’s easier to become dehydrated than you might think, which is a problem since being dehydrated is both unhealthy and can make you feel hungrier.
Sip water throughout the day and try to drink a full glass or two before a meal. By being properly hydrated before you eat, you might find that you’re less hungry.
4. Too Sweet
Sugar is a problem – it makes a lot of food very desirable but isn’t generally a good thing to eat.
Try reducing your sugar intake bit-by-bit this year. Cut down on how much you put in coffee, avoid overly sweet treats, don’t drink sodas and juices, etc. Slowly, you can whittle down both your sugar intake and your cravings.
Here are some more tips on how to cut down on sugar!
5. Taking Ten
We don’t always have time to go to the gym (or just don’t want to after a long day of work), but getting a little exercise in every day is a big help.
Try doing a short, ten-minute workout. It doesn’t have to be fancy, it just needs to get your heart going. Trust me – if you can do this every day, you’ll be so proud of yourself.
Here’s a list of different ten-minute workout options from Fitness magazine.
6. Go For 80%
Wait – don’t give it your all? Don’t give it 110%? Yep, when it comes to satisfying your fullness, it’s better to go for 80% vs. 100%.
You see, our bodies take about 20 minutes after eating to recognize when they’re actually satisfied. By not aiming to feel 100% full immediately, you’ll avoid overeating.
7. Fast on Fast Food
This is an “Easy to say, hard to do” one. Fast food is full of the fats, salts, and sugars we all crave, plus there’s an unlisted ingredient that is even more addicting – convenience.
But cutting down on fast food is key. Having a few healthy, frozen dinner options at home is a great way to avoid the temptation of fast food. You know that as soon as you get home, it’s only a few minutes before you’ve got something nice to eat.
Now, if you just have to have fast food, try something a little healthier or smaller than you normally get. You want a burger? Try a chicken sandwich. Get large fries? Go for medium. Avoid meal deals that include a soda – just get the sandwich and a side.
8. Eating Intentionally
We all have shows we like to binge on or books we can’t just put down. While that’s great, things turn bad once we start eating during those binges. We don’t pay attention to how much we’re eating and soon that bag of chips or box of cookies vanishes.
Try to keep mealtime and snack time just that – a time to eat and enjoy what you’re eating. If you must having something to munch while you relax, set aside definite portions and don’t get up to get more food.
9. Preparing to Be Healthy
Eating well can be a challenge because it requires more work than less healthy foods. This is especially difficult if you work full time and have to prepare your meals.
But by creating a meal plan and doing food prep on the weekends, you can make your life much healthier. Here’s a guide from that will be a big help.
10. It All Starts Somewhere
Changing your eating habits isn’t easy – after all, they’re habits that we’ve been setting every day of our lives, three times a day. So when you’re trying to change them, make sure you don’t make an unnecessary enemy – yourself.
Being too hard on yourself when you mess up, setting unrealistic goals, harboring expectations of sudden and dramatic improvements – all of this will cripple your attempts to be a healthier person.
Remember, trite as it sounds, change happens a day at a time. Be patient with yourself, be realistic, and celebrate the fact that you will be a healthier and happier person!
Thanks to Audrey Bruno of and Juliette Steen of for all the great advice.
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