Spring Cleaning

The snow is gone, the sun is out, temperatures are rising, and our forced hibernation is coming to a close. It’s time to open the door, breathe in the fresh air, and immediately go back inside. No, you didn’t see your shadow. It’s time to perform the ritual of Spring Cleaning.

For some, Spring Cleaning is a pleasure. For others, Spring Cleaning is a looming presence. For still others, Spring Cleaning is just not on their radar. No matter the group you’re in, there’s no denying Spring Cleaning is necessary and healthy. With that in mind, Oxi Fresh Carpet Cleaning wanted to help you form your own cleaning plan.

1.) Question Time!

Before you start, ask yourself a few questions. First, what’s your home look like? This may sound silly, but write down the various areas in your home. Second, identify your main and secondary goals for each area. In a living room, for example, the main goal may be to spruce it up, but the secondary may be to reorganize the furniture. Third, ask yourself which which areas and goals are your highest priority. Choosing and ordering your goals will prevent you from spending too much time on unimportant projects.

In Summary: IDENTIFY the areas. Get your GOALS in order. PRIORITIZE the projects.

2.) Cleaning Time!

Since you’ve got all your information and goals for the project, set up a schedule that you can keep. Don’t expect to get this all done in one go or to tackle a big project after coming home from an exhausting work day – break up your main projects across several cleaning sessions with smaller projects in between. That way you’ll be sure to give the big things the attention they need and break up the monotony of cleaning. This is also the time to bring out window washers, carpet cleaning companies, tile and grout cleaners, etc.

In summary: SCHEDULE yourself – and then go and clean.

3.) Sorting Time!

Okay – so you’ve done the main cleaning and met a lot of your secondary goals. Now  you’ll probably have a pile of objects you’re not sure what to do with. Unplayed board games, furniture that doesn’t quite cut it anymore, old electronics, etc. If you’re ready to get rid of these things, great! If you’re not ready, well tough. Be honest with yourself and  you’ll realize that you probably only need a small fraction of these things.

So here’s a way to handle the problem – only keep 3 out of 10 items. Everything else you either donate, sell, recycle, or toss.  This may sound harsh, but it’s good for you. It makes you prioritize what you really need/want and helps you get rid of things you’re holding on to for the “but maybe one day” reason. You know, the nagging thought of “But maybe one day I’ll need the old Betamax” or “But maybe one day we’ll play the board game we haven’t touched in four years.” If your only defense for keeping something is purely hypothetical and unlikely, it’s time to let go of it.

In Summary: PICK your favorites, get rid of the rest.

Congratulations! You’ve now successfully cleaned your home. Of course, if you’re doing bigger projects you’ll need to hire plumbers, carpet cleaners, flooring experts, etc. Those require more planning and money, but they’re a great way to add value to your home. Good luck!

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