Carpe Diem with Carpet Cleaning

Carpe Diem means, “Seize the day.” The phrase was immortalized by Horace, a Roman poet, and this important idea, so simply stated, has been repeated endlessly. But, despite our best efforts, there are events and duties which interrupt and upset our efforts to seize the day. An unexpected injury that prevents a trip, a meeting that interrupts an important task you wanted to complete, a pipe bursts and the weekend is suddenly gone. Given all of the things that can prevent you from pursuing your goals and desires, why would you intentionally loose more time with a carpet cleaning?

Actually, you can loose an entire day to many cleaners.  Let’s begin by considering their “window appointments.” Rather than giving you a specific time, some carpet cleaning companies will instead tell you that they’ll be there between 10:00 and 12:00 or 12:00 to 3:00.  That leaves you stuck just waiting for the appointment to start – wasting hours of your time.  When they do show up, the situation doesn’t really improve much if you’ve picked a steam cleaner (or, more accurately, a hot-water extractor.) They begin by soaking your carpets and then they try to suck up the dirt and water together. Unfortunately, they leave a lot of water in the carpets.

And that leaves you with carpets that are wet for often wet for 24 hours or more. So not only are you stuck waiting for the carpet cleaning services but now you have to wait nearly an entire day before your carpets are yours again. And if you’ve moved furniture into other rooms so the first room could be cleaned, you now have other parts of your home basically held hostage by your wet carpets.  So, now those wet carpets have seized your entire day, leaving you in a frustrating and completely unnecessary situation. So how can you avoid loosing your entire day? Just call Oxi Fresh Carpet Cleaning.

Oxi Fresh is committed to providing you with convenient appointments can fit into your day, rather than you having to fit your entire day around a carpet cleaning. Our green carpet cleanings are scheduled for specific times and we always strive to be there right on time – and often a few minutes early! That way you’re not stuck waiting for us. And to make matters even better, carpets cleaned by Oxi Fresh dry in about one hour! That means you can be using that room again so fast that it’ll hardly seem like we were there – except for the now thoroughly clean and fresh carpets! Now, the day will be yours again – so Carpe Diem!

If you’d like to read more about Oxi Fresh, click here.

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Average 4.7 stars (Out of 5)

Based on 309,924 Carpet Cleaning Services Reviews
Our carpets looked great and it was quick process! ES. - Glenn Dale, MD - 02/09/2025
(5.0 Out of 5 stars)
Great job BB. - Jackson, MS - 02/09/2025
(5.0 Out of 5 stars)
The technician was clean and respectful came on time did he's job in a timely manner five star thanks Frandy ????? NT. - Brooklyn , NY - 02/09/2025
(5.0 Out of 5 stars)

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