Green Ghouls! 4 Fun & Eco-Friendly Halloween Crafts
Halloween is one of my absolute favorite holidays. I love the silly, spooky costumes and all the great candy (especially since I have a great excuse to eat lots of it – I’m just getting into the holiday spirit!).
Decorating for this night is a blast as well, but going out and buying a lot of cheap plastic and paper decorations isn’t exactly green. In fact, the amount of waste we create when we buy disposable decorations is downright frightening!
This year, help keep the planet green for all the little ghouls and ghosts by sticking to these fun and eco-friendly crafts.
Spooky Illumination: Recycled Jar Luminaries
A lot of our food comes in glass jars that go right into the recycling bin. With this craft, though, you can some extra life out of those jars.
Using some white glue, tissue paper, glitter, pipe cleaners, googly eyes, and LED candles, you can turn that jar into a spooky-cute luminary! Check out this craft from Stephanie at A Grande Life.
Sniffling Monster: Tissue Box Creatures
If you have kids, you have runny noses and lots of empty Kleenex boxes – what you may not realize is that you also have perfect little monsters.
Remove the plastic lining from a box, paint it with spooky colors, cut out some paper fangs and tape them inside the box, cut out two “cups” from an egg carton and attach them to the top of the box (paint them too), and boom! Monster! Check out this guide from Michelle at Inhabitots for more detailed instructions.
Highly Caffeinated Ghosts: K-Cups
If you or someone in your family is a coffee fiend and loves K-Cups, you know just how many used-up cups can stack up.
This craft lets you turn those cups into fun little glowing ghosts! Just clean out the cup, draw/stencil/tape a ghost or jack-o-lantern face onto it, punch a hole in the top, and pop in a light bulb from a string of white Christmas lights. Once you’ve finished up, you’ll have a whole garland of very energized ghosts glowing in your home!
Read more from Kim at!
Healthy Bones: Milk Jug Skeletons
If you go through a lot of milk in your home, this will be a perfect (and fitting) craft for a family with such healthy bones. Milk jug skeletons are great replacements for those cardboard/plastic skeletons you can get at stores.
Now this craft does require a bit more effort (no simple instructions on this one); you’ll need to read ThePartyAnimal’s helpful guide to get your Skeleton up and greeting your trick-or-treaters.
We hope that you enjoy these crafts and that you’ll make your home green and ghoulish for this Halloween! Thanks to Stephanie, Michelle,, and The Party Animal for the great tips.